Keynote Sessions

Thursday Afternoon Keynote

Indigenous Health & Well-Being: Lessons for Partnerships and Equity

2 - 3:30 P.M.

Indigenous communities are home to critical innovation, leadership, and strengths and exercise survivance in the face of colonization and its lingering effects. As such, there is much to be learned about leadership, well-being, and equity from Indigenous scholars and leaders. In her talk, Melissa Walls, director of the Center for Indigenous Health, will introduce examples of community/university (nonprofit) partnerships that help us all to understand the role of history in shaping present day practices, policies, and priorities. Melissa will move us all toward a stronger familiarity with critical Indigenous public health issues and a clearer understanding of equitable approaches to partnership and problem solving applicable to multiple sectors. Anticipate collective learning grounded in:

  • Descriptions of current pressing issues in public health and inequities facing American Indian communities

  • Assessing evidence surrounding the historical roots of modern health inequities

  • Articulating principles of authentic partnership for action using models from Indigenous public health research as a guide

  • Understanding and stating the values underlying a shared Indigenous and allied governance structure.

Friday Morning Plenary

A Live Presentation of “The Transgenda” Podcast

9 - 10:30 A.M.

With over 100,000 listeners from around the world, “The Transgenda” podcast is the funny, touching, and informative chronicle of Ana, a transgender woman, and Cam, her cisgender dad, as they share their experiences of growing together and hating bigots. In this special live recording, Ana and Cam will be joined by special guest Jess Braverman, legal director for Gender Justice, to discuss the role of nonprofits in supporting trans rights and interview a special guest on Minnesota's incredible leadership on gender equity.

“The Transgenda” episodes span topics such as gay erasure memes, Twitter jokes, trans representation in politics and intersectionality in the queer community. Learn more or listen today at